As you may have noticed, there have been a few exciting changes over the past several months here at eSchedule. Our branding and website have a fresh new look and our servers have been optimized for faster performance. Our scheduling services have been improved by incorporating customer feedback as we continue to forge ahead making employee scheduling easier. We’re all very excited here at eSchedule as our vision of paperless employee scheduling is becoming more of a reality thanks to people like you!

Connect on Facebook/Twitter and Win A NEW iPad 3

Have you ever needed reference information for trouble shooting an issue you are having, quick tips on how to use eSchedule more effectively, or just wanted to make sure you were using eSchedule to its fullest potential? Our social media channels are the best place to learn more with a quick click. Click here to enter, or click on the image below for your chance to win a NEW Wi-Fi 16GB iPad 3.

Thanks for reading and best of luck in the iPad giveaway!

The eSchedule Team | 1-800-276-5167